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René Tavares

São Tomé e Príncipe

René Tavares (1983, São Tomé e Príncipe) lives and works between Lisbon and São Tomé. He studied at the School of Fine Arts in Dakar, Senegal, and at the École de Beaux
Arts de Rennes, France, before graduating inLisbon. His work re ects on his own experience
of displacement or dislocation within the postcolonial context. Lately, his work has taken on a sociopolitical component, focusing on everyday life in Africa and in particular São Tomé.

In his work, René Tavares re ects upon his experience of displacement
and modern resettlement within the postcolonial context. For the ‘Chada Portrait’ series, René Taveres travelled along São Tomé island coast, betweenseveral Angolar shing communities, portraying them as descendants of the rst settlers on the island. Re ecting on the island’s colonial history, Tavares aims to capture the origin of the people of N’Golá, from the continent ofAfrica to the island of São Tomé.

O artista multidisciplinar René Tavares (1983, SãoTomé e Príncipe) mora e trabalha em Lisboa e São Tomé. Ele estudou na Escola de Belas Artes de Dakar, no Senegal, e na École de Beaux Artsde Rennes, na França, antes de se formar emLisboa. Seu trabalho re ete sobre sua própriaexperiência de deslocamento no contexto pós- colonial. Ultimamente, seu trabalho assumiu um componente sociopolítico, enfocando a vidacotidiana na África e particularmente em SãoTomé e Príncipe.

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